'Up to 70' Labour MPs oppose second Brexit referendum, Caroline Flint claims

Caroline Flint, whose constituency voted Leave in 2016, says the party's MPs should be given a free vote on the issue.

Labour whips will order its MPs to back the party's bid for a second Brexit referendum, John McDonnell has hinted, amid warnings up to 70 of them are opposed to another public vote.
After months of speculation, the party has declared its support for another public voteon the issue.
The shadow chancellor claimed in an interview with Sky News that Labour had been left with no choice but to back a second referendum.
Speaking on Sophy Ridge on Sunday, Mr McDonnell said: "We've been forced into this by Theresa May delaying, running down the clock and not coming up with a compromise that we could all support."
But the move has caused disquiet among some of the party's MPs, particularly those who represent constituencies that voted Leave in the 2016 referendum.
One of those, Caroline Flint, told Sky News that up to 70 of the party's MPs are opposed to holding another referendum.
"I think there is something like 60 or 70 Labour MPs who feel as strongly as I do against a second referendum," the Don Valley MP said.
Amidst this backdrop there are questions as to whether Labour MPs will be whipped, essentially given an official order, to vote for the policy.
On this subject, Mr McDonnell told Sky News: "Normally we will whip and that will be decided in the normal way by the chief whip and the shadow cabinet and the party overall.
"I think on an issue as this we would see a whip but also you've got to respect people's views and their constituency interests as well, and the whipping arrangement will be determined in discussion in due course.
"I just say this - and I think it'll be for MPs right the way across the House in all parties now - that they've got to look to the long-term interests of the country, they've got to protect people's jobs, they've got to protect the economy, otherwise we'll never be forgiven in the future."
Ms Flint called for a free vote on that - and also on Theresa May's revised Brexit deal.
She said: "My appeal to John McDonnell, to Jeremy Corbyn, to Keir Starmer, is allow MPs to have a free vote on an improved deal.
"So those MPs who want a second referendum can vote for that but those of us who want to keep our promises to our electorate can also keep faith with those people and vote for an improved deal."
She also claimed that if there was a free vote on an improved Brexit deal, "tens, twenties, thirties would vote for an improved offer".
Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to hold a second vote on her Brexit deal by 12 March.
Last month, MPs overwhelmingly rejected her agreement with Brussels and - if this were to happen again - they will now get a vote on whether to support the UK leaving the EU without a divorce deal by 13 March.
If the Commons rejects a no-deal Brexit, which is likely, MPs will then get a vote on a "short, limited extension" to the Article 50 period by 14 March.
Mrs May has received a boost ahead of those votes, with the chairman of the backbench committee of Conservative MPs saying he is ready to drop his oppositionto the deal.
The European Research Group of Tory MPs also appears to have adopted a softer tone.
The group, in conjunction with the Democratic Unionist Party, is reported to have drawn up "three tests" Downing Street must pass to secure its backing, the Sunday Times reports.
