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Saraki blames card readers, rigging, for his loss, wishes Kwarans the best

Saraki said he lost the senatorial election because of malfunctioning card readers, multiple voting and over-voting.
Senate President Saraki wishes Kwarans the best as he exits the senate (Saraki media office)
Senate President Saraki wishes Kwarans the best as he exits the senate (Saraki media office)

Senate President Bukola Saraki is wishing the legislative candidates who emerged winners from the February 23, 2019 election, the best of luck, while blaming malfunctioning “card readers…multiple voting and over voting”, for his loss.

Saraki won’t be returning to the 9th senate after losing his re-election bid to the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Ibrahim Oloriegbe.
Saraki, candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the election, lost the Kwara central senatorial seat to his APC opponent in all four local councils.
The final result stood at 123,808 votes for Oloriegbe to Saraki's 68,994.
According to the results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Oloriegbe beat Saraki with 15,932 votes to 11,252 in Asa; 30,014 votes to 14,654 in Ilorin East; 26,331 votes to 13,013 in Ilorin South; and 51,531 votes to 30,075 in Ilorin West.

PDP will take a position on the inadequacies

In a statement signed by Yusuph Olaniyonu, Special Adviser to the Senate President on Media and Publicity, Saraki said that “while the election was generally peaceful, there were inadequacies like the card readers not used in over 70 percent of the polling units while there were multiple voting, over-voting and other discrepancies that were reported by agents of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) across the state”. 
Ibrahim Oloriegbe beat Saraki to win Kwara central senatorial seat (Guardian)
Saraki added that the state chapter of his party will take a position on the right response to these inadequacies.
“However, whatever the final outcome of the election, I wish the candidates that have emerged all the best in their attempts to serve our people. It is my prayers that the good people of Kwara State will always have the best from any government both at state and federal levels.
“As a product of a family and a political structure that is, from its foundation, devoted to the service and development of our state and its people, it is my wish that our people will always have a good deal at all times. The new development will even provide the people the opportunity to compare and contrast. After all, the people who have emerged from last Saturday’s election are not my enemies. They are fellow Kwarans.
“As we prepare for the March 9, 2019 Governorship and House of Assembly elections, let me reiterate my position that the candidates of the PDP in the election represent the best materials for our dear State, Kwara. Therefore, I enjoin our people to come out en mass on Election Day and vote for them. I am going to work with our party leaders to further sell the PDP candidates to the general public.
Senate President Bukola Saraki.
“I thank all Nigerians for their goodwill and to enjoin all of us that as we patiently await the outcome of the Presidential election, we pray for peace, unity and genuine development in our country. It is also our prayers that at all times, the wish of the people will always prevail in the choice of the leadership and the electorate will always enjoy the benefit of good governance”, Saraki added.
The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is currently reeling out results of the presidential election held across the states.
